26 resultados para Cystadenocarcinoma, Serous

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the role of immunochemistry in serous effusions.STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed cell blocks of 18 pleural and 18 peritoneal effusions diagnosed as malignant (18), benign (14) and suspicious (4). They were immunostained by the avidin-biotin complex method with a panel of four monoclonal antibodies-CEA, Ber-EP4, LeuM1 (CD15) and r53-and for lectins (Ulex europaeus) UEA-1, ConA and ConBr. RESULTS: Seventeen of the 18 cases of adenocarcinoma were positive for CEA (95%), 12 (66.6%)for Bev-EP4, 11 (61 %)for CD15 nild 11 (62 %)for p53. Twelve of the 18 (66.6%) were positive for UEA-1, CEA, Ber-EP4 and CD15. UEA-1 did not react with mesothelial cells. p53 Gave a positive reaction in only one case, reactive mesothelial cells. ConA and ConBr reacted indiscriminately with benign and malignant cells; thus, it was not useful in distinguishing between these cells.CONCLUSION: In this context no antibody used alone is reliable for corroborating a diagnosis, but the selective use of a small panel of three markers (CEA, Ber-EP4 and LeuM1) can be very useful in solving diagnostic difficulties in the cytodiagnosis of serous effusions.


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We report an unusual case of a 37-year-old woman who presented in 1980 with a serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary. The patient refused any treatment and the patient was lost to follow-up for 6 years. After this period of time she returned with an extremely large, cutaneous, cauliflower-type of metastasis located in the lower abdominal wall and measuring 20 x 20 cm. She received two courses of chemotherapy treatment consisting of intraperitoneal cisplatin (100 mg/m2) and intravenous epirubicin (50 mg/m2) every 3 weeks. After the second course of chemotherapy she received cobalt radiotherapy (5000 cGy). Subsequently, she received four more courses of chemotherapy with dramatic remission of the cutaneous metastasis. Shortly after chemotherapy, the patient underwent a laparotomy consisting of the resection of the abdominal wall including the cutaneous metastasis completed by total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and omentectomy. The patient is well after the surgery and without any evidence of residual disease after 6 years of follow up. This description illustrates a rare example of ovarian cancer with skin metastases and favorable outcome. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the usefulness of assessing the immunoreactivity of cytokeratins 7 (CK7) and 20 (CK20) as well as several cytomorphologic parameters in effusions with metastatic adenocarcinomas in the search for the primary site of the tumor. STUDY DESIGN: From the files of the Pathology Department, A. C. Camargo Hospital, we studied cytologic smears from 73 metastatic adenocarcinomas originally from the breast, 63 from the ovary, 40 from the lung and 32 from the stomach, looking for morphologic parameters that could have discriminant potential in suggesting the primary site in a routine situation, including intranuclear inclusions, prominent nucleoli, mitosis, signet-ring cells, psammoma bodies, nuclear crease, binucleation and multinucleation, papillary features, acinar profile (including ball cells) and single cells. Immunoreactions were performed with monoclonal antibodies to CK7 (OV-TL 12/30 and CK20 (Ks 20.8) and included morphologic analysis. Both analyses were studied in a blind fashion regarding the primary site of the tumors. RESULTS: Positivity ratios for breast, ovary, stomach and lung cases were 67.6%, 63.5%, 29.7% and 45.5%, respectively, for CK7 and 17.2%, 15.8%, 13.5% and 32.2%, respectively, for CK20. Discriminant analysis of morphologic and immunocytochemical parameters had an error rate of 42.9% in recognizing the primary site and a Wilk's lambda of .7290. CONCLUSION: The more efficient parameter with discriminant function was the papillary appearance showed by CK7, which should be used in further studies with a similar scope. The set of parameters used in this study were insufficient to discriminate the primary site of female adenocarcinomas in effusions with significant accuracy.


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Background: Pythiosis in horses is a proliferative and ulcerative disease that primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue of limbs, thoracic-abdominal region and head. This disease sometimes can also affect limb bones or cause tumoral masses in abdomen. Usually, the cutaneous cases are confused with habronemiasis. The disease is more common in marshy areas, places with formation of slow drainage ponds and aquatic vegetation under high temperatures. The aim of this study was to describe the development of facial lesions in a horse caused by pythiosis in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, and, additionally to discuss relevant issues regarding the diagnosis, clinical course and response to immunotherapy treatment.Case: One five years old mare of unknown breed, created in property located in the Cerrado region, had a wound on its face difficult to be healed and non-responsive to several treatments based on ivermectin and organophosphate administrated by either topical or systemic via. The animal was assisted on the farm of origin by the veterinary team of the Clinical Medicine sector, of the Veterinary Hospital, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT). on the occasion of the visit, which occurred 60 days after onset of signs, the animal showed a circular single large lesion, ulcerative with serous discharge on the right part of its face, between the eyes and nostrils. There were some necrotic foci with sinus, from which kunkers were extracted; a condition compatible with pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by histology, ELISA and PCR.Discussion: Assuming pythiosis from data obtained from the survey and profile of the lesion (secretory aspect, emaciation and presence of sinus and kunkers), immunotherapy treatment was immediately applied. The advanced clinical aspects and the fact that early diagnosis and treatment are essentials to satisfactory therapeutic response were also taken into consideration for starting the treatment. The remission of signs was achieved after five subcutaneous applications with 14 days between each application. From the second application, it was observed clinical improvement and after 60 days of treatment there was almost complete remission of signs. The signs for a satisfactory response in the injury site followed the order of decreasing secretory aspect, decreasing borders, decrease the itching and bringing the edges together with the formation of a thin layer of crust on the surface. Pythiosis cases with lesions on the face and lower abdomen are commonly confused with habronemiasis by macroscopic and widespread similarity between technicians and attendants, and essential support to the diagnosis through laboratory tests, which in turn are still underutilized. In this case, the authors demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapy as an advantage, considering the possibility of applying it in cases of lesions in areas of difficult surgical access, treatment conditions in the field, with low cost and ease of application. Further studies approaching this alternative therapy are necessary, since side effects have been observed in some cases.


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Descreveu-se a morfologia do útero de cutias nulíparas e não nulíparas por meio de ovariossalpingoisterectomia. A análise macroscópica do útero foi realizada in loco e na peça retirada. Segmentos das porções proximal, média e distal do órgão foram colhidas, fixadas e preparadas histologicamente, sendo as amostras analisadas à microscopia de luz, e realizada a histomorfometria das camadas uterinas. Topograficamente, o útero localiza-se na região sublombar, caudalmente aos rins, em continuação aos ovários e às tubas uterinas, estendendo-se até à entrada da pelve, onde se posiciona dorsalmente à bexiga. Caracteriza-se como do tipo duplo, embora culmine em apenas um óstio cervical externo. Microscopicamente, a mucosa uterina é formada por variações do epitélio, de cilíndrico a pseudoestratificado, que se apoia em tecido conjuntivo frouxo, onde se observam glândulas endometriais revestidas por epitélio cilíndrico, além da presença de vasos sanguíneos. A camada muscular subdivide-se em interna ou submucosa, média ou vascular e externa ou subserosa. A camada serosa é composta por tecido conjuntivo e mesotélio. Na histomorfometria, verificou-se que a espessura uterina total e a espessura da camada mucosa, em média, foram maiores nas fêmeas não nulíparas.


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Uma cadela, Dachshund, quatro anos, foi encaminhada ao H.V. da FMVZ-UNESP-Botucatu-SP com histórico de prostração, emagrecimento progressivo, anorexia, cansaço e tosse seca. Ao exame clínico observou-se apatia, secreção nasal serosa bilateral e dispnéia intensa. Radiografia torácica demonstrou efusão pleural, edema pulmonar acentuado, desvio dorsal da traquéia e possível massa mediastinal. A ultra-sonografia, após drenagem torácica, confirmou a presença de massa mediastinal, sendo classificada como neoplasia maligna de origem epitelial pela citologia aspirativa por agulha fina. O animal veio a óbito logo após o diagnóstico de neoplasia. À necropsia constatou-se massa mediastinal encapsulada, consistência macia e superfície de corte com coloração branco-acinzentada e áreas necrótico-hemorrágicas, localizada na região ântero-ventral do tórax. O exame histopatológico demonstrou células epiteliais neoplásicas, células linfóides (timócitos) com morfologia normal, vasos sangüíneos de pequeno e médio calibre, formações císticas com conteúdo eosinofílico e corpúsculos de Hassall. A imunohistoquímica apresentou positividade para citoqueratina AE1/AE3 e UCHL, confirmando o diagnóstico de timoma.


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Objective. To assess the expression of TRAIL-R3 and the methylation of a CpG island within the TRAIL-R3 promoter both in cystadenoma tumors and primary and metastatic epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC).Methods. RNA was obtained from women with normal ovarian (NO) tissues (n = 18), ovarian serous cystadenoma tumors (n = 11) and EOC (n = 16) using Trizol (R). Quantitative PCR (gRT-PCR) was performed to quantify the relative levels of TRAIL-R3. The methylation frequency of the CpG island in the TRAIL-R3 promoter was assessed using the methylation-specific PCR (MSP) assay after DNA bisulfite conversion. The differences between the groups were evaluated using the chi-square, Student's t, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon or Kruskal-Wallis tests as indicated. The survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method.Results. Cystadenoma and metastatic EOC tumors expressed significantly more TRAIL-R3 mRNA than primary EOC tumors. Methylation of the TRAIL-R3 promoter was absent in NO tissues, while hemimethylation of the TRAIL-R3 promoter was frequently found in the neoplasia samples with 45.4% of the cystadenoma tumors, 8.3% of the primary EOC samples and 11.1% of the metastatic EOC samples showing at least partial methylation (p = 0.018). Neither the expression of TRAIL-R3 nor alterations in the methylation profile were associated to cumulative progression-free survival or the overall survival in EOC patients.Conclusions. Primary EOC is associated to a lower TRAIL-R3 expression, which leads to a better understanding of the complex disease and highlighting potential therapeutic targets. Promoter DNA methylation was not related to this finding, suggesting the presence of other mechanisms to transcriptional control. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the changes of minor salivary glands during 4NQO-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis. Histopathological examinations of serous and mucous tongue salivary glands of 30 male Wistar rats were performed after 4, 12 and 20 weeks of 50 ppm 4NQO chronicle administration in drinking water. Ten rats were used as control. Morphometric results were expressed as volume density (Vv %) of each of the components. Histopathological and morphometric changes in the salivary glands were evident only at 20 weeks following 4NQO administration and they included a significant (P < 0.05) decreased in the mean Vv of the serous acini compared with the control group accompanied by abnormal acini (Vv=14 %). Neither mucous acini nor ducts demonstrated significant changes. In conclusion, minor salivary glands are involved in the progression of 4NQO-induced carcinoma.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar a ação hìstolítica de uma solução composta de fenol, glicerina e ácido acético na ascite neoplásica em cobaias. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas 32 cobaias, distribuídas por sorteio, em grupos experimentais e controles e estudados os efeitos da injeção peritonial da solução teste. Nos grupos controles empregou-se solução fisiológica. Foram estudadas alterações bioquímicas, anatomopatológicas (coração, pulmões, rins, baço e serosa peritonial), com 24 horas e 4 semanas de evolução. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a solução E quando instilada na cavidade peritonial não provocou nenhuma alteração clinica, histologica ou laboratorial nestes animais, quando comparados com o grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Frente aos resultados obtidos, consideramos interessante estudar os efeitos da solução proposta em casos de ascite neoplásica experimental em animais, com posterior estudo em seres humanos.


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O presente trabalho descreve a detecção de células infectadas em aspirados de medula óssea de cães experimentalmente infectados com uma amostra brasileira de Ehrlichia canis. Os cães foram monitorados duas vezes por dia através de avaliação clínica e exames de esfregaços de sangue periférico. A cada três dias, amostras de sangue foram coletadas para contagem celular. Semanalmente foram feitas punções de medula óssea para exame microscópico direto do material aspirado e coleta de sangue para exames sorológicos através da reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Os sinais clínicos observados foram febre, membranas pálidas, linfadenopatias, secreções nasais serosas e acentuada perda de peso. As alterações hematológicas incluíram anemia normocítica normocrômica, redução de neutrófilos e linfócitos e trombocitopenia. Poucas células infectadas com E. canis foram observadas em esfregaços sanguíneos, entretanto várias formas de desenvolvimento de E. canis foram visualizadas em aspirados de medula óssea 15 dias após a infecção.


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Para a realização desta pesquisa, foram coletados vinte fetos fêmeas em diferentes fases de gestação da raça Nelore. Os cornos uterinos e as tubas uterinas foram dissecados, mensurados e os fragmentos fixados em paraformaldeído tamponado a 4,00%, processados e incluídos em paraplástico. Os cortes com 5 mm foram corados com hematoxilina e eosina, tricrômio de Masson (para fibras colágenas), Verhoeff (para fibras elásticas) e com reticulina (para fibras reticulares). Os resultados mostraram que não há diferença significativa das mensurações entre os lados direito e esquerdo para os cornos uterinos e tubas uterinas, porém há correlação entre os valores obtidos das mensurações dos órgãos em função da idade dos fetos, ou seja, o crescimento dos órgãos acompanha o crescimento fetal. O epitélio de revestimento do útero não apresenta variações morfológicas evidentes no período analisado. A partir de 23 semanas de gestação, a mucosa uterina apresenta evolução marcante no desenvolvimento das projeções e não há aparecimento de glândulas endometriais na parede uterina no período analisado. A camada muscular apresenta a subcamada circular interna desenvolvida até 23 semanas de gestação e a partir de 24 semanas há presença das duas subcamadas. A camada serosa é típica e não mostra variabilidade no decorrer da gestação. As tubas uterinas apresentam diferenças de crescimento, principalmente dos pregueamentos que a partir de 23 semanas de gestação tornaram-se mais altos e ramificados, porém sem aparecimento de pregas terciárias. Com o desenvolvimento fetal, os cílios epiteliais do pregueamento tubárico são maiores em tamanho e em número. Até 32 semanas de gestação, a camada muscular das tubas uterinas apresenta apenas a subcamada circular interna. A camada serosa e o mesosalpinge são típicos e não apresentam variações importantes. As variações mais marcantes para os órgãos estudados ocorreram a partir de 23 semanas de gestação.


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The authors admit that the conjunctive-muscular constitution of the walls of the superior venae cavae throughout the length of the intrapericardium segment and the debouchement in the right atrium, associated with the presence of a myocardium sheath can be made up of a functional device of sphincter form able to act on the control of the blood flow to the interior of the arterial chamber as well as stopping blood flow during the arterial systole. The fixation of the venous wall to the deep chamber of the serous pericardium, contributes to growth in resistance during the elevation of venous pressure, making possible the preservation of integrity of the superior venae cavae. The expansion of fasciculi of nodal fibers in the right wall of the superior venae cavae permits that the unlocked impulse in the S-A node also reaches the vascular wall contributing to the shortening and diminution in caliber of the vein.


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BAKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Negative pressure pulmonary edema has been defined as non-cardiogenic edema, with transudation of fluid to the interstitial space of the lungs due to an increase in negative intrathoracic pressure secondary to obstruction of the upper airways. This is the case of a healthy patient who underwent general anesthesia and developed acute pulmonary edema after extubation. CASE REPORT: A 23-year old female patient, physical status ASA II, underwent gynecologic videolaparoscopy under general anesthesia. The procedure lasted 3 hours without intercurrence. After extubation the patient developed laryngeal spasm and reduction in oxygen saturation. The patient improved after placement of an oral cannula and administration of oxygen under positive pressure with a face mask. Once the patient was stable she was transferred to the recovery room where, shortly after her arrival, she developed acute pulmonary edema with elimination of bloody serous secretion. Treatment consisted of elevation of the head, administration of oxygen via a face mask, furosemide and fluid restriction. Chest X-ray was compatible with acute pulmonary edema and normal cardiac area. Electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram and cardiac enzymes were normal. The condition of the patient improved and she was discharged from the hospital the following day, asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: Acute pulmonary edema associated with obstruction of the upper airways can aggravate surgical procedures with low morbidity, affecting mainly young patients. Early treatment should be instituted because it has a fast evolution and, in most cases, resolves without lasting damages. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2008.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)